Most modern operating systems are capable of text to speech voice synthesizing. This allows you to have your computer read entire webpages or selected text on your screen out loud to you.
For Windows, hold the Ctrl key and press the Escape key, then type "narrator" and then press the Enter key.
For Mac OS X, click the Apple menu in the top-left corner of your screen and go to "System Preferences," then choose "Dictation & Speech," then click "Text to Speech." Check the "Speak selected text when the key is pressed" checkbox.
Third party software is also available.
Most modern operating systems are capable of zooming your entire screen. This may be a good alternative if increasing font sizes alone is not sufficient.
For Windows, click the "Start" menu in the bottom-left corner of your screen and then go to "All Programs," then "Accessories," then "Ease of Access" and then click "Magnifier." Click the "Options" button and then move the slider to adjust the zoom increment. For more information about Windows' zoom accessibility features click to visit their website.
For Mac OS X, click the Apple menu in the top-left corner of your screen and go to "System Preferences," then choose "Accessibility," then click "Zoom". You can assign keyboard shortcuts or trackpad gestures.
Third party software is also available.
Most modern web browsers are capable of increasing/decreasing font sizes while on a webpage. For detailed instructions please see the WCAG documentation page that opens in a new site.
To increase the font size, hold the Ctrl key (Command key on a Macintosh) and press the + (plus) key.
To decrease the font size, hold the Ctrl key (Command key on a Macintosh) and press the - (minus) key.
To revert to the default font size, hold the Ctrl key (Command key on a Macintosh) and press the 0 (zero) key.
Lowering your screen resolution may help you keep track of your mouse cursor. Alternatively, most modern operating systems allow you to increase the size of your mouse cursor.
For Windows, click the "Start" menu in the bottom-left corner of your screen and then type "Mouse" (may need to click "Search" first if using Windows 8 or later). Select the "Mouse" option. Click the "Pointers" tab and adjust the size to your liking.
For Mac OS X, click the Apple menu in the top-left corner of your screen and go to "System Preferences," then choose "Accessibility," then click "Display." Adjust the "Cursor size" slider to your liking.
For Chrome, click the "Menu" icon at the top-right of your window (3 horizontal lines) and then select "Settings." Scroll down and click "Show advanced settings." Scroll down to "Web content" and adjust to your liking.
For Safari, click menu in the top-left corner of your screen, then select "Preferences." Then click "Advanced" and check the "Never use font sizes smaller than" checkbox under "Accessibility." Set this to your liking.
For Microsoft Edge, click settings and more (three-dotted) button from the top-right, then click on appearance, and then "Customize Fonts" and select your size.
For Firefox, click the "Menu" icon at the top-right of your window (3 horizontal lines) and then select "Preferences". Select "Content" from the left-sidebar. The "Fonts & Colors" section can be adjusted to your liking.
Most modern web browsers allow you to override fonts with your own formatting and change the color theme.
For Chrome, go to the top right 3-dot menu and select "settings," then select "appearance" for options. You can also search the Chrome Extension Web Store for a suitable extension.
For Safari, click menu in the top-left corner of your screen, then select "Preferences." Then click "appearance" and then "standard font" and select your preference.
For Microsoft Edge, click on the menu (ALT + F) and click settings, then click on appearance, and then "overall appearance" or "theme."
For Firefox, click the "Menu" icon at the top-right of your window (3 horizontal lines) and then select "Preferences". Select "Content" from the left-sidebar. Click "Colors..." in the "Fonts & Colors" section and adjust the colors to your liking.
Keys Move forward through items on a page → Tab
Move backward through items on a page → Shift + Tab
Press a selected button → Space bar
Navigate radio buttons → Arrow keys
Select and deselect checkboxes → Spacebar
Open a dropdown menu → Alt + Down arrow
Go to the previous tab → Ctrl (or Cmd) + Page Up
Go to the next tab → Ctrl (or Cmd) + Page Down
Go to the top of the page → Home
Go to the bottom of the page → End
Close the current tab or window → Ctrl (or Cmd) + W
Refresh the page → F5 or Cmd + R
We strive to ensure that all services are accessible to people with disabilities. This site has been made easier to use and more accessible for people with disabilities, with the strong belief that every person has the right to live with dignity, equality, comfort and independence.
This site continues its efforts to constantly improve the accessibility of its site and services in the belief that it is our collective moral obligation to allow seamless, accessible and unhindered use also for those of us with disabilities.
Despite our efforts to make all pages and content on our site fully accessible, some content may not have yet been fully adapted to the strictest accessibility standards. This may be a result of not having found or identified the most appropriate technological solution.
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If you are experiencing difficulty with any content on this site or require assistance with any part of our site, please contact us during normal business hours as detailed below and we will be happy to assist.
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If you wish to report an accessibility issue, have any questions or need assistance, please contact